October Songs & Fingerplays

D Song
(To Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)

Donkey, dragon, dungeon, drip,
Doodle, dumpling, double- dip.
Dandelion, dungarees,
All these words begin with D!
Doll and donut, dinosaur...
Can you name a dozen more?

Hey Diddle Diddle
Hey diddle diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed
To see such a sport
And the dish ran away with the spoon

5 Little Ducks
5 little ducks went out to play
over the hill and faraway
Mother Duck cried, "quack, quack, quack"
And only 4 little ducks came back.

4 little ducks. . .
3 little ducks. . .
2 little ducks. . .
1 little duck. . .

No little ducks went out to play
over the hill and faraway
Father Duck cried, "QUACK, QUACK, QUACK!"
And all the 5 little ducks came back!!!!!

8 Yummy Donuts
Down around the corner at the bakery shop
There are 8 yummy donuts with frosting ontop
Along came *______ with money to pay,
So *______ bought one donut and walked away.

*(fill in child's name)
7,6,5,4,3,2,1. . . . .
No yummy donuts left in the bakery shop!

5 Little Pumpkins
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,
(Hold up five fingers.)
The first one said, “Oh my it’s getting late.”
(Hold up thumb.)
The second one said, “There’s witches in the air.”
(Hold up index finger.)
The third one said, “I don’t care.”
(Hold up middle finger.)
The fourth one said, “Let’s run, run, run.”
(Hold up ring finger.)
The fourth one said, “It’s Halloween fun.”
(Hold up little finger.)
Then wooooooooooooooo  went the wind,
(Wave hands back and forth.)
And OUT went the light!
(Clap hands loudly.)
Five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.
(Roll hands one over the other.)

Halloween Night
1.  This is the BAT that flew in the sky on Halloween night.

2. This is the MOON that lit up the sky where the BAT flew on Halloween night.

3.  This is the WEB spun by the spider in the light of the moon where the bat flew on Halloween night.

4.  This is the BROOM (that was NEVER used to remove cobwebs) spun by the spider in the light of the moon that lit up the sky where the bat flew on Halloween night.

5.  This is the WITCH who rode on the broom (that was NEVER used to remove cobwebs) spun by the spider in the light of the moon that lit up the sky where the bat flew on Halloween night.

6.  This is the CAT that belonged to the witch (that was NEVER used to remove cobwebs) spun by the spider in the light of the moon that lit up the sky where the bat flew on Halloween night.

7.  This is the OWL that woke up the cat that belonged to the witch (that was NEVER used to remove cobwebs) spun by the spider in the light of the moon that lit up the sky where the bat flew on Halloween night.

8.  This is the JACK-O-LANTERN that frightened the cat that belonged to the witch (that was NEVER used to remove cobwebs) spun by the spider in the light of the moon that lit up the sky where the bat flew on Halloween night.

9.  This is the GHOST that carved the jack-o-lantern that frightened the cat that belonged to the witch (that was NEVER used to remove cobwebs) spun by the spider in the light of the moon that lit up the sky where the bat flew on Halloween night.

10. (In spooky tones) This . . . is . . . the . . . ghost . . . and the ghost says BOO!

1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Witches
 (sung to the tune of 10 Little Indians)

One little, two little, three little witches (Count on Fingers)
Fly over haystacks, fly over ditches (Make flying motion)
Slide down moonbeams without any hitches (Make downward motion)
Heigh-ho Halloween’s here!

E Song
(to the tune of Yankee Doodle)
Every morning Eloise
has hard- boiled eggs for breakfast.
She never ever eats them fried
'cause boiled eggs are the tastiest!
Eloise the elephant
thinks that  eggs are dandy.         
She eats 1 every day
and says they taste like candy.
One Elephant Went out to Play
One elephant went out to play
On a spider’s web one day
He had such enormous fun
That he called for another elephant to come

Two elephants went out to play
On a spider’s web one day
They had such enormous fun
That they called for another elephant to come

Three elephants. . .
Four elephants. . .

Five elephants went out to play
On a spider’s web one day
They had such enormous fun
That they played all day in the beautiful sun!

Elephants in the Bathtub
1 elephant in the bathtub,
Going for a swim.
Knock-knock (slap knees twice)
Splash-splash (clap hands twice)
Come on in! (motion 'come' with hands)

continue until 5 elephants. . .

5 Elephants in the bathtub,
Going for a swim
Splash, splash,
They all fell in!

F Song
(To Alouette)

Five fast fishes swimming down the river.
Five fast fishes swimming down the stream.
Swimming past 5 floating logs.
Swimming past 5 croaking frogs.
Floating logs, Croaking Frogs.
Floating logs, Croaking Frog.
Five fast fishes OH

1,2,3,4,5 I Caught a Fish Alive
Once I caught a fish alive.
Then I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finer so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right.

5 Little Speckled Frogs
5 little speckled frogs
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious bugs
Yum yum!
1 jumped into the pool
where it was nice and cool
Now there are 4 speckled frogs

4 little speckled frogs. . .
3 little speckled frogs. . .
2 little speckled frogs. . .

1 little speckled frog
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious bugs
Yum yum! (rub tummy)
He jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are no more speckled frogs

G Song
(To-Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay)

Gert’s Grandpa Gregory
Grew whiskers past his knees.
They grew around and 'round.
They grew down to the ground.
"Good golly," Gert declared,
"Gramp's got a goofy beard."
So Grandma Gwendolyn
Shaved Grandpa’s chin!

Mother Goose
Old Mother Goose, when
She wanted to wander,
Would ride through the air
On a very fine gander.

(to the tune of The Ants Go Marching)
The ghosts go floating one by one-by-one, boo, boo.
The ghosts go floating one by one-by-one, boo, boo.
The ghosts go floating one by one-by-one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go floating down, to the town.

The ghosts go floating two-by-two, boo, boo. . .
The little one stops to tie his shoe. . .

The ghosts go floating three-by-three. . .
The little one stops to climb a tree. . .

The ghosts go floating four-by-four. . .
The little one stops to shut the door. . .

The ghosts go floating five-by-five. . .
The little one stops to take a dive. . .

The ghosts go floating six-by-six. . .
The little one stops to pick up sticks. . .

The ghosts go floating seven-by-seven. . .
The little one stops to pray to heaven. . .

The ghosts go floating eight-by-eight. . .
The little one stops to shut the gate. . .

The ghosts go floating nine-by-nine. . .
The little one stops to check the time. . .

The ghosts go floating ten-by-ten. . .
The little one stops to say, “The End!”
And the all go floating down, to the town.

1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Ghosts
(to the tune of 10 Little Indians)

1 little, 2 little, 3 little ghosts
4 little, 5 little, 6 little ghosts
7 little, 8 little, 9 little ghosts
10 little ghosts go BOO!