April Songs & Fingerplays

The Ww Song
(to Mary Had a Little Lamb) 

I am learning Ww
Ww, Ww,
I am learning Ww,
Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww.

Window starts with Ww,
Ww, Ww,
Window starts with Ww,
Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww.

Worm begins with Ww,
Ww, Ww,
Worm begins with Ww,
Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww.

Walrus starts with Ww,
Ww, Ww,
Walrus starts with Ww,
Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww.

Wand begins with Ww,
Ww, Ww,
Wand begins with Ww,
Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww - Ww.

Wizard starts with Ww,
Ww, Ww,
Wizard starts with Ww,
Ww – Ww – Ww – Ww – Ww.

What other Ww things can you add to this song?
from Mrs. Jones mrsjonesroom.com

Willabee Wallabee Wee
An elephant sat on me!
Willabee Wallabee Woo
An elephant sat on you!

Willabee Wallabee _______!
(say child’s name with a “w”sound. Linda =Winda)
An elephant sat on _______!
(say child’s name)

Suggestions: Do this with each child for roll call.  This is a great way to give each child attention for building self esteem.  Of course, use while studying the letter W. from www.artfelt.net

Wee Willie Winkie
Wee Willie Winkie
Runs through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs
In his nightgown.
Rapping at the window
And crying through the lock,
“Are the children all in bed?
For now it’s 8 o’clock!”

Whether the Weather
Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We  weather the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not!

Here is a bunny with ears so funny (hold up two fingers, curving down)
And here is his hole in the ground (put hand on waist)
A noise he hears and he pricks up his ears (hold up two curved fingers, then straighten)
And jumps in the hole in the ground. (put fingers through arm)

Little cabin in the woods (Make shape of roof with hands)
Little man by the window stood, (Put hand on forehead over eyes, and look from left to right.)
Little rabbit hopping by, (Hop 2 fingers)
Knocking at the door. (Make knocking motions)
“Help me! Help me!” The rabbit cried (Move both hands up and down twice)
“Please give me a place to hide!” (Put hands together, pleading)
“Come little rabbit, come inside” (Move hand towards you as if telling somebody to come here.)
“Warm up by the fire”. (Rub hands together)

Leave out the words one verse at a time, so by the end you are only doing the motions. You can hum each verse if you wish. 

X Song 
(To- Campton Races)

Xavier was an alien,
He was born on Planet X,
extremely far from Earth.
He had two pointy heads;
his vision was x-ray.
He saw exactly everything
in an alien way.

X – Poem
X-ray pictures let me see,
All the bones inside of me
Other pictures just show skin,
And usually a great big grin.

From thevirtualvine.com/nurseryrhymes

Do You Know the X-Ray Man?*
(to – the muffin man)

Do you know the X-RAY man,
the X-RAY man,
the X-RAY man?
Do you know the X-RAY man
He takes pictures of my bones?

Oh, he loves the letter X,
the letter X,
the letter X,
Oh, he loves the letter X
and likes to X-RAY me.

 A Hunting We Will Go
A hunting we will go,
A hunting we will go,
Heigh ho the dairy-o,
A hunting we will go.
We’ll catch a fox and put him in a box,
And then we’ll let him go.

Little Fox, Little Fox,Are you under the (color) box?
(to The Farmer in the Dell)

The fox is in the box.
The fox is in the box.
The fox is in the the yellow box.
The fox is in the box.
(have child guess what color box the fox is under, or say “on the box” and let child place the fox on different colored boxes)

Y Song
(To -  If You're Happy and You Know It)

If you think that yams are yummy,
yell out,  "Yes!"
If you think that yams are yummy,
yell out,  "Yes!"
If you think yams are yummy,
yell out,  "Yes!" and rub your tummy.
If you think that yams are yummy,
yell out  "Yes!"

( to If You’re Happy and you Know It)

Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow,
Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow.
Like the early morning sun,
When the day has just begun,
Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow.
Daffodils and baby ducks are yellow,
Lemonade and scrambled eggs are yellow.
I like the smiley face that’s yellow,
He is such a happy fellow.
Spells  yellow.

Yankee Doodle went to town,
Riding on a pony;
He stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni!

Z Song –Z is for Zoo
(to - I’m A Little Teapot)

I’m a little letter;
My name is Z.
You can draw me:
One, two, three!
You are sure to find me
At the zoo.
Zoo begins with me-
It’s true!

(to: If You’re Happy and You Know It)

If your coat has a zipper, zip it up!
If your coat has a zipper, zip it up!
If your coat has a zipper,
Bet you’re feeling pretty chipper!
If your coat has a zipper, zip it up!

(What else can you zip?)
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah,  zip-a-dee-ay,
My oh my, What a wonderful day!
Plenty of sunshine, headed my way,
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah,  zip-a-dee-ay!

Here’s another fun version:

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah,  zip-a-dee-ay,
I like to zoom-zoom around all day!
I am a race car zooming this way.
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah,  zip-a-dee-ay!

Repeat the song and replace the underlined word with a word or phrase for a fast moving vehicle/animal, such as airplane, freight train, helicopter, speedboat, rocket or space ship, skateboard, ostrich, or cheetah.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy,
Was he?


There's a little white duck sitting in the water
Little white duck doing what he oughta
He took a bite of a lily pad
Flapped his wings and he said, "I'm glad"
That I'm a little white duck sitting in the water
Quack, quack, quack

There's a little green frog swimming in the water
Little green frog doing what he oughta
He jumped right off of the lily pad
That the little duck bit and he said, "I'm glad"
That I'm a little green frog swimming in the water
Glug, Glug, Glug

There's a little black bug floating on the water
A little black bug doing what he oughta
He tickled the frog on the lily pad
That the little duck bit and he said, "I'm glad"
That I'm a little black bug floating on the water
Quick, quick, quick

There's a little red snake lying in the water
A little red snake doing what he oughta
He frightened the duck and the frog so bad
And he ate the little bug and he said, "I'm glad"
That I'm a little red snake lying in the water
Sss, sss, sss

And now there's nobody left left sitting in the water
Nobody left doing what he oughta
Nothing left but the lily pad
The duck and the frog ran away
There's nobody left sitting in the water
Boo, hoo, hoo

from the book by Jane Cabrera

Over in the meadow,
In the sand in the sun
Lived an old mother turtle
And her little turtle one
"Dig," said the mother;
"I dig," said the one,
So they dug all day
In the sand in the sun

Over in the meadow,
Where the stream runs blue
Lived an old mother fish
And her little fishes two
"Swim," said the mother;
"We swim," said the two,
So they swam all day
Where the stream runs blue.

Over in the meadow,
In a hole in a tree
Lived an old mother owl
And her little owlies three
"Whoot, whoot, " said the mother;
"We whoot whoot, " said the three
So they whoot whooted all day
In a hole in the tree.

Over in the meadow,
By the old barn door
Lived an old mother rat
And her little ratties four
"Gnaw, " said the mother;
"We gnaw" said the four
So they gnawed all day
By the old barn door.

Over in the meadow,
In a snug beehive
Lived a old mother bee
And her little bees five
"Buzz" said the mother;
"We buzz" said the five
So they buzzed all day
In a snug beehive.

Over in the meadow,
In a nest built of sticks
Lived an old mother duck
And her little duckies six
"Quack," said the mother;
"We quack," said the six
So they quacked all day
In their nest built of sticks.

Over in the meadow,
In a green grass heaven
Lived an old mother frog
And her little froggies seven
"Jump," said the mother;
"We jump," said the seven
So they jumped all day
In a green grass heaven.

Over in the meadow,
By the old mossy gate
Lived a brown mother lizard
And her little lizards eight
"Bask!" said the mother;
"We bask!" said the eight
So they basked all day
On the old mossy gate.

Over in the meadow,
By the old Scotch  pine
Lived an old mother worm
And her little wormies nine.
"Wiggle,” said the mother;
"We wiggle,” said the nine
So they wiggled all day
By the old Scotch pine.

Over in the meadow,
In a cozy wee den
Lived an old mother rabbit
And her little rabbits ten
"Twitch, " said the mother;
"We twitch," said the ten
So they twitched all day
In their cozy wee den.

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